• Afina Azmi Nurdiannisa STIQ Isy Karima Karanganyar


Both parents are servants of Allah who mediate the presence of the child in this world. The command to worship both parents in the Qur'an is always juxtaposed with the command to worship Allah and not associate Him. While the phenomenon that occurs is the number of cases of children disobeying their parents. This research will examine the importance of filial piety and comparison of interpretation between the book Tafsir al-Maraghi by Ahmad Musthafa al-Maraghi with Tafsir al-Azhar by Hamka. Two contemporary commentators who have different backgrounds in place, but have the same method and style of interpretation, namely the tahlili method and the literary style of social culture. In formulating the research results of this thesis, the type of research used is "library research" (literature). And this data collection comes from primary data, namely Tafsir al-Maraghi by Ahmad Mustafa al-Maraghi and Tafsir al-Azhar by Hamka. In this analysis method, the writer uses the descriptive analysis method. In interpreting the verses about devotion to both parents, al-Maraghi and Hamka both explain the concept of devotion to parents mentioned in several of the same verses. Where there has explained the meaning, encouragement, and priorities of devotion to both parents, as well as the obligations and rights of the parents that the child should perform to the parents. While the differences in the interpretation of the two are from the reference of the hadith, the addition of information, and the combination of verses when interpreting.


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How to Cite
NURDIANNISA, Afina Azmi. BERBAKTI KEPADA KEDUA ORANG TUA MENURUT TAFSIR AL-MARAGHI DAN TAFSIR AL-AZHAR (STUDI KOMPARATIF). Al Karima : Jurnal Studi Ilmu Al Quran dan Tafsir, [S.l.], v. 5, n. 1, p. 25-46, aug. 2021. ISSN 2829-3703. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 06 may 2024.