Author Guidelines
Pakel, Gerdu, Karangpandan, Karanganyar, Central Java
Al Karima Journal is a study journal for Al-Qur'an and Tafsir Sciences which is published twice a year (February and August) by Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Al-Qur'an Isy Karima, Karanganyar, Central Java. This journal generally accepts contributions from the ideas and research of lecturers and instructors from related scientific disciplines.
Articles submitted for publication must meet the following requirements :
1. Articles must be related to the specified theme.
2. The article is original work (does not contain elements of plagiarism or data fabrication), has never been published in a scientific journal or in book form and is not being submitted to another periodic journal.
3. Articles are written with a maximum length of 13-30 pages on A4 paper size and use Times New Roman font, 12 pt font size, 1.5 spacing.
4. Writing organization includes: (1) title (no more than 12 words); (2) author's name (without title); (3) author's agency; (4) author's email address; (5) abstract of no more than 200 words and written in 2 languages, namely Indonesian and English; (6) keywords (should not exceed five words); (7) introduction; (8) research methods; (9) Results and discussion; (10) Conclusion; and (11) bibliography.
5. References must be written in footnote form and adapted to the writing style using the Chicago Manual of Style 17th (Full notes) and must use the Mendeley application. However, with several types of references, they will be detailed as follows :
Textbooks are published books that are no more than 5 years old. The footnote writing method is the author's name, year of publication, italicized book title, city of publication, publisher, page. This footnote is written in Times New Roman 10 font, Tab 1.5. Example: Aam Abdussalam, Pembelajaran Dalam Islam Konsep Ta’lim Dalam Al-Quran (Yogyakarta ; Maghza Pustaka, 2017), hal. 20. As for repeated book citations, only write the author, year, title fragment, page. Example: Aam Abdussalam, Pembelajaran Dalam Islam Konsep Ta’lim Dalam Al-Quran, hal. 40.
Scientific journals are cited in the format, author name, article title, journal name, volume and edition according to the journal model, year of publication and page. Example: Aam Abdussalam et al., “Exegetical Translation of the Qur`an : An Action Research on Prospective Islamic Teachers in Indonesia,” Indonesian Journal of Applied Linguistics Vol. 11, No. 2 (2021) : 254 -68.
The citation of pre-existing journals with only the author's name, a fragment of the article title, page and period. -
Quotations from internet sources are written in the format of the author's name, title of the article, website address, date of access. Example: Gita Amanda, “Menristekdikti Sebut Peneliti di Indonesia Masih Minim,republika.co.id(16/1/2018),https://www.republika.co.id/berita/nasional/umum/18/01/16/p2ncrt423-menristekdikti-sebut-peneliti-di-indonesia-masih-minim diakses 21 Juli 2018.
Quotations from papers and newspaper articles are written by writing the name, title of the article, name of the newspaper, day, date month and year. Example: Syahidin, “Metode Pendidikan Qurani”, Koran Pikiran Rakyat, Senin, 25 Februari 2019.
Direct quotations of interviews and observations by writing the name of the informant, the title of the interview, the day, and the date. Example: Ahmad Rifa’i, Wawancara Pribadi, Rabu 5 April 2017.
Meanwhile, observation quotes are written as observation notes, location, day, and date. Catatan Observasi, Masjid Khoiru Ummah PPM Miftahul Khoir, Kamis, 20 April 2017.
6. The order of the bibliography is written alphabetically.
7. Submit articles in MS Word (RTF) format.