• Arif Firdausi Nur Romadhon STIQ Isy Karima Karanganyar


Allah has made everything on earth as a field to seek sustenance or living. Therefore, in the Qur’an, humans are instructed to spread on this earth to seek grace from Allah Almighty. If someone wants to achieve success in his life, one of the main provision is to have a high work ethic. This study aims to determine the comparison of work ethic verses in Tafsir Al-Azhar and Tafsir Al-Misbah. Both of which are prominent Tafsir in Indonesia which the interpreta- tions are in accordance to the Indonesian context. This research applied library research and applied documentation method to collect all datas needed. This research applied com- parative method namely by describing the interpretation of Hamka and QuraishShihab then analyzing the difference of the interpretation of both. The results of this study indicate that work ethic according to Hamka and QuraishShihab is to work and strive according to energy and ability, using human’s mind to seek for Allah’s gift, and obtain provision for life in this world. The difference between their interpretations is that Hamka explains the word ‘amal’ with work, effort, and liveliness. While Quraish Shihab explains the word ‘amal’ with various deeds that are good and beneficial.


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How to Cite
ROMADHON, Arif Firdausi Nur. ETOS KERJA DALAM AL-QUR’AN (STUDI KOMPARATIF TAFSIR AL-AZHAR DAN TAFSIR AL-MISBAH). Al Karima : Jurnal Studi Ilmu Al Quran dan Tafsir, [S.l.], v. 4, n. 1, p. 35-45, sep. 2020. ISSN 2829-3703. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 19 may 2024.