• Husnul Khotimah STIQ Isy Karima Karanganyar


At this time, in the study of Islam in society there is still rarely discussion of knowledge espe- cially science. The current problem is the lack of studies that focus on science, for example about creation of the universe which is connected with Koran which is explained in the in- terpretation of the Koran. This is very important because there are so many invention from Western Nation who have explained that the universe came into existence by itself, so they negate the creation process. If the people followed those inventions, so they will be humans who do not believe in God who created the universe. Humans will be infidels (kafir) because those inventions. In Tafsir Al-Azhar book by Hamka about creation of the universe, besides explaining the creating process, he also explained the importance of having faith, the exis- tence of this universe because of the power of God (Allah Swt.). So that the study focused in creation of the universe which is inked between Tafsir Al-Azhar book and the invention from the scientist about that. The method used in this research is analytic descriptive. Descriptive is explain objectively about creation of the universe. And than analytic is analyse these data clearly and systematically to the object of research. Creation of a universe that was original- ly united, and then separated by a big bang, so that heaven and earth are separated. Where the universe was created in six eras. Only Allah knows the timing and process. Six eras are divided into two eras for creation of the earth, two eras Allah Swt. prepare some equipments for humans habitation and than two eras again is creation of the heaven consisting of seven layers.


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How to Cite
KHOTIMAH, Husnul. KAJIAN TENTANG PENCIPTAAN ALAM SEMESTA DALAM PERSPEKTIF KITAB TAFSIR AL-AZHAR DAN ILMUWAN SAINS. Al Karima : Jurnal Studi Ilmu Al Quran dan Tafsir, [S.l.], v. 4, n. 2, p. 61-78, nov. 2020. ISSN 2829-3703. Available at: <https://ejurnal.stiqisykarima.ac.id/index.php/AlKarima/article/view/57>. Date accessed: 04 may 2024.