• Fitria Izzah Dinnillah STIQ Isy Karima Karanganyar


The Qur’an was revealed to giving instructions for human, which is leading to a straight path. They should be able to learning, understanding and formulating instructions in the Qur’an, either its expressed or implemented. The instructions must be understood and in- terpreted from every word without any advantageously tendencies of themselves. There are various moral messages in the Qur’an that must be studied and understood completely and comprehensively. Including about agreements issue. There are many agreements terminology in the Qur’an, one of them is mîtsâqan. The purposes of this research are to determine the Sayyid Qutb’s interpretation of the verses that have the word “mîtsâqan ghalîzhaâ€. And the approach that used Sayyid Quthb of interpretation it.

The study was a library research of interpretation approach thematic (maudhu’i) with com- parative combination. The results of this research show that interpretation of “mîtsâqan ghalîzha†by Sayyid Qutb is the rope that arranged then used to describe the oath and prom- ise which is strong, solid and steady. The approach that used to interpretation of the verses mîtsâqan ghalîzha in Fî Zhilâlil Qur’an is tahlili.


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How to Cite
DINNILLAH, Fitria Izzah. STUDI PENAFSIRAN MÎTSÂQAN GHALÎZHA DALAM TAFSIR FÎ ZHILÂLIL QUR’AN. Al Karima : Jurnal Studi Ilmu Al Quran dan Tafsir, [S.l.], v. 2, n. 1, p. 59-68, june 2020. ISSN 2829-3703. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 17 may 2024.